The International Conference of the Society for Historical Archeology (SHA 2018) took place in the city of New Orleans, LO in the United States between January 3rd and 6th, 2018. This year’s theme was landscape, entrepôts and global currents. The CIPAC was presented through the presence of Professor Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Torres who presented the talk entitled “Recurrent Photogrammetry Modeling” and also through the presence of the researcher Dra. Samila Ferreira who presented the talk entitled “Portrait of the Bahamas: Shipwrecks and its belongings “. Both presentations are partial results of the project “Converging Worlds, Highbourne, Bahamas”.
The presentations were presented at the symposium “SYM-022a: Converging Worlds: Excavation of the Highbourne Cay Shipwreck”, whose mediation and organization was done by the researcher Dr. Nicholas Budsberg, director of this project.
The event was also very important to introduce the CIPAC to the international community of historical and underwater archaeology. Opportunity to which the researchers could elaborate future cooperation projects between Uruguay and some teaching and research centers.